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KEY SCRIPTURE: The Vedas , Bhagavad-Gita, Vishnu Purana, Padma Purana, Srimad-Bhagavatam
Vaishnavism and Vaishnavism - one of the main directions in Hinduism, the distinguishing feature of which is the worship of Vishnu and his avatars, mainly Krishna and Rama, as the Supreme God. Monotheistic in its philosophy, this tradition also includes elements that can be described as pantheistic . The beliefs and practices of this tradition, especially such key concepts as bhakti and bhakti yoga, mainly based on the Puranic texts such as the "Bhagavad-Gita", "Vishnu Purana ',' Padma Purana", "Srimad-Bhagavatam" and Vedic texts, such as the canonical Upanishads are a part of the Vedas. followers of Vaishnavism are usually called "Vaishnava" or "Vaishnavites". According to the latest statistics, the Vaishnavas make up about 70% of all the followers of Hinduism. The vast majority of devotees live in India.
Vaishnavism (Vaishnava) - a conglomerate and sects. Some have arisen spontaneously, some were founded in the Middle Ages, the followers of "Doctors" philosophers and mystics.
The presiding deity Vaishnava - Vishnu, the Absolute personified, giving birth to Brahma, the creator of the world and the souls that make up the body of Vishnu. All other gods - and ultimately the emanation of Vishnu. Ontological views of Vaishnavism - from dualism to monism limited, but the soul in all Vaishnava sects is distinct from God and preserving their individuality.
In Vaishnavism there is the doctrine of avatars, literally "descent of Vishnu on earth to restore dharma." The most revered anthropomorphic avatars are Rama, the hero of "Ramayana," Krishna, the mythical life of which is given in the "Vishnu Purana" and "Bhagavata Purana" ("Srimad-Bhagavatam") - a monument of southern bhakti IX-X centuries. The second to last avatar of Vishnu - the Buddha, who preached heresy, was tempted to retreat from Dharma, thus strengthening the devotees and enticing unstable. The last avatar of Vishnu - Kalki - a kind of Hindu messiah who must appear at the end of the present Kali Yuga. He also has a prototype in Buddhism - Buddha Maitreya.
Salvation is understood in Vaishnavism as the liberation from samsara and the eternal soprebyvanie with the heavenly paradise in the form of Vishnu Vaikuntha. The path to salvation - bhakti - this is a passionate love for the mystical deity, the model for which is love to the divine cowherd Radha Krishna shepherd. Although the ideas, rather, emotions bhakti painted all areas of Hinduism, particularly vivid expression of this type of religiosity was in the cult of Krishna and Radha. Sensuality bhakti Krishnaism turned into a mystical eroticism.
The practice of bhakti-yoga (in the classical bhakti yoga - only element of the preparatory stages) is chanting the rosary and chanting the names of Vishnu and his avatars, in identifying with the characters Vaishnava mythology, the worship of images of gods and saints. In Vaishnavism increased the role of churches and "the temple deities," in which, on presentation of Vaishnava (devotees), Vishnu himself dwells. Idols wake, wash, decorate and feed. Rituals Vaishnavism mainly agamicheskie. Special development in the Krishna cult got kirtan and bhajans - ecstatic chants glorifying the different names of God and his mythical deeds, and accompanied by dances, often wearing ecstatic character. One of the major Vaishnava mantra - "Om Namo Narayanayya."
For the Vaishnava Bhakti as a whole is characterized by an inconsistent attitude to the caste system. On the one hand, many of its preachers theoretically rejected it, and in some communities even took neinduistov, though still the people of India. On the other hand, as a rule, caste differences are taken directly only in the religious sphere, at the time of service.
The major Vaishnava scriptures: epic (especially the "Bhagavad Gita"), 6 Vaishnava Puranas (especially the "Vishnu Purana" and "Bhagavata Purana"), upapurany, pancaratrika Samhita, Sutra, Tantra Gaudiya Vaishnavism , which is one of the branches of Vaishnavism, starting with 1960 spread around the world, mainly due to the preaching of AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and he founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness ...Gaudiya Vaishnavism (also known as Chaitanya Vaishnavism, Bengali Vaishnavism or Krishnaism) - one of the trends in the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism. founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism was a great Hindu religious preacher and reformer Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534), whom the followers of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition consider a special combined avatar of Radha and Krishna in one person, whose coming was foretold in the Vedas and Puranas. philosophy of Gaudiya Vaishnavism is primarily based on the "Bhagavad Gita" and the "Bhagavata Purana", as well as the Vedic scriptures such as the Upanishads . Gaudiya Vaishnavism refers to the monotheistic tradition of Hinduism and is considering various forms of God as the incarnation or avatar, Krishna, who is considered to be the supreme and original alter ego of God. The followers of the Gaudiya Vaishnava known as Gaudiya Vaishnava, or Vaishnava Hare Krishna ...
The objectives of Vaishnavism
The primary goal of Vaishnavism is videha-mukti, liberation - attainable only after death - when a small "I" realizes union with God Vishnu as its particles, while maintaining its pure individual personality. Lord Vishnu - the all-pervading consciousness - is the soul of the universe, different from the world and the jivas, "embodied souls" who are the body. His transcendent Being is a celestial form, residing in Vaikuntha, the home of eternal values and perfection, where the soul is joined to Him by achieving mukti, liberation. The intermediate goal is to experience the grace of God - can be achieved even in the incarnation by finding refuge in the infinite love of Vishnu. Thanks to the love of Vishnu, serving Him and meditating on Him and His incarnations, our spiritual hunger grows and we experience His grace, flooding the whole being
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