The Global Intellectual Community and
The Chairmen
Honorable Human Rights Commissions
Subject: Urgent Plea To Take Notice On Pinki Gang-Rape Case for 55 Days Long In Bangladesh
Respected Sir/Ma’am
With due respect and humble submission I beg to state that this is the third time I am writing on behalf of the rape victim Pinki Rani Mondal, an 11 years old Hindu girl of Bangladesh who was constantly raped for 55 days in Bangladesh and was forcefully converted to Islam. Only one Human Rights Commission took attention but the unfortunate part of that organization is that any of their activity in an Islamic nation would be maligned as an effort of discredit. Though there is an obvious and justified rumor about the global Human Rights orgs that they love to overlook the Human Rights violation against the Minority Hindus in Islamic country (which is unfortunately more than true), I am blaming myself in this case that we had a delay in establishing the rape case by supporting our words with documents. If the Bangladeshi media chooses to ignore the coverage of it or the one or two media coverage on the topic is withdrawn in this case, that is certainly not my concern, it is their habit. So I would like to share the FIR copy of the rape case so that you can find our report to be substantial. Here are some minute details of the rape case.
• BP Form No-27
• Bangladesh Form No- 5356
• Control No- 243, FIR under Penal Code 154
• Police Station- Tongi Model Thana
• Case No- Tongi Model Thana No 20(04)13 under the act of child and women atrocities 7/30
• FIR Date: 12/04/2013 (12 April 2013)
• District, Sub-district and No: Ghazipur, Tongi Model Thana and 20/159 respectively
• Date and Time of incident: 06/04/2013 (6 April 2013) 12:20 PM
• Complainer Party: Trisha Rani Mondal (35, mother of victim) W/O- Tapan Mondal
• Alleged Culprits: Rabiul Hossen Manik (24), Harun-ur-Rasheed (32), Kauzar (23), Majid (22), Faruq (24), Shahid (22)
• Penal Codes that can be acted upon: “Shishu o Nari Nirjaton Daman Ayin 2000 (Sangshodhani) 2003 er
• 7/30, Apaharan o Apaharane Sahajogita Korar Aparadh” (7/30 of Prevention of Torture Against Children and Women 2000 (Revised) and 2003, Abduction and Assistance in Abduction)
• Duty Officer receiving the FIR: Mohammed Mijanur Rehman, Assistance Sub-Inspector
• Officer charged with Investigation into the case: Mogammed Ajizur Rehman, Sub-Inspector.
The copy of the FIR is available at the Download section of Asansol News web portal or in the URL of this letter in PDF format.
Briefly explaining the incident. Pinki Rani Mondal is a talented and beautiful 6th class student of a school named Sirajuddin Sarkar Vidyaniketan located at Tongi Market. On 6th of April this year she was going to school when some lusty Muslim fanatics who eyed her for so long, proposed her to have sexual intercourse with all six of them, under the leadership of the main culprit named Rabiul Hossen Manik. After rejecting this insane proposal she entered her school to take her examination while her mother was at her workplace, a garments company in Ershad Nagar area where she worked as a machine operator. After the examination when she came out of the school, she was abducted in broad daylight from the school. The desperate kidnappers also mocked the helplessness of the poor Hindu family belonging to the voiceless Hindu Community in an Islamic nation by phone-calling the neighbor of Smt. Trisha Rani Mondal that they will never return Pinki and she is now their sex-slave forever. The call was received by Hossen Ali at his mobile number 01963748116 from the mobile numbers 01811729329 and 01825411916.
That is just what the FIR said. But what happened to Pinki after she was recovered can bring tears at the corners of the eyes even of a demon. This small child was transported to long distanced Cox-Bazar area where she was tortured in such methods that it wasn’t her body that was pierced, it was her soul. She was forced to pray Namaz, the beef, that is the forbidden food among the Hindus, was stuffed into her mouth in order to hurt her religious sentiment. As the initial reports came out in the media in the name of Purnima (as par Bangladeshi Law, naming the victim at initial stage is illegal. Symbolic name Purnima was used in resemblance to a girl gangraped by 36 Muslim men in front of her pleading widow Hindu mother), it was learnt that an Islamic cleric or Moulvi took enthusiastic part in the entire phenomena. Later the reports were withdrawn. Anyway, after her forceful conversion into Islam she was daily gangraped by her husband Rabiul Hossen Manik and his five friends, some alleged also the cleric in the scene. However due to some unknown pressure or lack of interest these coverage were withdrawn.
So it is better not to talk about that Moulvi part. But some questions must be raised and some preventive measures must be expected.
You can easily see how desperate these culprits are that they openly gave their phone numbers to the victims by threatening them. Is it just a foolishness of a frustrated and desperate rapist? I will say a strong NO. If it were so, it would come only once and they would regret, but the call came numerous times from numerous numbers, two of which has been mentioned. So none among those six brave men had a little brain about carefulness? The fact is, they know, atrocities against Hindus is no crime under the unwritten Bangladeshi law. They had no fear because they know it very much that the Bangladeshi Hindus are defenseless and voiceless like none. And it is also equally proven by the police part, which took 55 days to recover her even as they already knew who the culprits were, who could also be electronically tracked.
The voicelessness of the Hindus in Bangladesh is also proven by another shameful fact that Pinki Rani Mondal is the same girl who topped the “Prathamik Shiksha Samapani Pariksha” (Primary Education Final Examination) with a 5 GPA equivalent to A++ grading which enabled her getting awarded by the Member of Parliament of Ghazipur, Mr. Zahid Hassan Rossel, who also maintained silence in the case.
Let me speak out a harsh truth. Every religion has at least one nation of its own which constantly raise voice for the co-religionists in different nations but the Hindus have none. India might be a Hindu majority nation but it has an absurd version of secularism which is actually the sugarcoated apologist version of Islamic Fanaticism. India is such a country where its own native Kashmiri Hindus are forced to exodus by Muslim mass and take refuge at their own homeland and the global audience is made to believe that it is the Muslims who are tortured, and trust, this propaganda is assisted by the state and non-state actors like media and intellectuals of India itself. This is India, which can’t save the people of its own land, can we expect them to be the voice for the Hindus in Islamic countries? Never.
Now exposing the Bangladeshi Secular administration. If you have observed the daylight murder of Biswajit Das in Dhaka, you would get a taste of secularism in Bangladesh. Biswajit Das was killed by the activists of Awami League (so called secular and moderate political party in Bangladesh) in a “political violence” during an anti-Religious-Fundamentalism rally against fanatical Bangladesh National Party. It is shameful to see that not a single intellectual with big skull questioned how be a minority Hindu be the victim of “political violence” against a fundamentalist party by a “secular” party. Despite this, people are insisting on the secular credentials of Bangladesh. How can you awaken an awakened man acting like sleeping? Read this
This one can’t be established because lack of credibility of social media, but it is true. My Baloch companion has interacted so many times through social media Facebook with a Bangladeshi journalist who is also one of the initial organizers of the recent Shahbag Movement in Bangladesh. When she asked that gentleman journalist for the explanation of the anti-Hindu atrocities, he just discarded those saying that there are “little problems” but they are “okay”. Instead he repeatedly asked her to be his guest like renowned journalist Tarek Fatah, columnist of The Toronto Sun. But after repeated pinpointing at the unexplained facts, the gentleman finally spoke out the great mystery! “You have to accept the harsh truth. Hindus don’t accept it as their country, they think India is their country.” What a shame! This is the mindset of a “secular” Bangladeshi despite the facts that it was the Hindus of Bangladesh who earned them the independence from Pakistan in 1971 and chose to stay in Bangladesh rather than to migrate into India, despite not even a single incident ever of waving Indian flag in a single inch in Bangladeshi Territory unlike the regular waving of Pakistani and Bangladeshi flags in Indian Territory by the Muslims of India. Despite these facts if the Bangladeshi seculars have such a mindset, who will protect the Hindus there? The Jamat-e-Islami?
I, therefore, request the global intellectuals and human rights commissions to urge to set up an observer for specially the Hindus in these Islamic nations to check the atrocities on them which are dissolved on the constant music of vain namesake secularism and apologist green-humanism. Talks are cheap, lives are not. At present case I would like to urge the people to get in contact with the mother of the victim Smt. Trisha Rani Mondal at her contact number<0088- 01734192508> and Lawyer and social activist planning to do a movement, Smt. Uttara Dev Chowdhury at her contact number <0088-01716309035> to do whatever necessary to deliver justice to the poor girl. But individual justice will not serve as solution, we must set up an observer acting like a preventive measure.
If the honorable human rights organizations and intellectuals are unable to raise their voice, facing opposite pressure, lack interest in such matters; they are heartily welcome. In that case I would like to ask them do a very small and simple favor, PLEASE DECLARE THE HINDUS AS DUMB AND VOICELESS ANIMALS DESERVING NO HUMAN RIGHTS, RESERVED ONLY FOR THE HUMANS.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully
Titu Shadowson
Attachements : Rape case and conversion modified
Dated: June 13, 2013
My request to the readers is to copy paste the following message or write your own message including the link to this article and send to the prominent authorities. Thanks in advance. Here is the format:
Respected Sir/Madam
I would like to bring to your notice a heinous crime of gangrape that has been committed on a helpless 11 years old Hindu girl in Bangladesh by 6 Muslim fanatics and allegedly by an Islamic cleric for subsequent 55 days, but the news was covered up and all media and administration maintained silence, including the MP who awarded the victim for her academic talents a few month back. This voicelessness in the fate of the minority Hindus. So we request you to kindly take notice of the incident and act as you find fit and proper. To know more details about what actually happened, you must have a look on the following report.
Thanking you
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