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Greatness of hindu astrology

Vedas are the oldest literature and compendium of multitude of Knowledge. The history of Astrology traces back to Vedic times, lakhs of years ago from now. Astrology can be divided broadly as Siddhanta Bhaga (Calculation part) and Phalita Bhaga (Predictive part). In Rigveda, the year is divided into 12 months, the special 13th month called extra month correlates the Solar and Lunar months. In Taittireeya Brahmana, the 6 seasons are described. The details of planets as gods, solar and lunar eclipses are available in Rigveda.

The oldest available book on Astrology is ‘Rigjyothisha’, written by Lagadha. In this book, there are 5 types of years described, along with the ruling deities. The 2 ayanas (parts) of the year are also mentioned, along with their starting stars. Precision of equinoxes are explained. And the 27 stars are also given in this book.

There are 18 pioneers in Astrology, who contributed for its development. They are: 1. Surya, 2. Pitamaha, 3. Vyasa, 4. Vasishta, 5. Atri, 6. Parasara, 7. Kasyapa, 8. Narada, 9. Garga, 10. Mareechi, 11. Manu, 12. Angeerasa, 13. Lomasa, 14. Poulisa, 15. Chyavana, 16. Yavana, 17. Bhrigu, and 18. Saunaka.

Varahamihira (123 AD) wrote ‘Brihat Samhita’, a great work on Astronomy and Astrology. There are 105 chapters and 4000 verses in this book. He has shown how Astrology can be applied for the welfare of public.

Aryabhatta-I (476 AD) wrote ‘Aryabhateeya’, which comprise a great deal of Astronomy, Mathematics and Astrology. Even Astronomy of this book is spread to Arab countries. Aryabhatta-II (950 AD) wrote ‘Mahasiddhanta’, where he explained more clearly about calculation part of Astrology.

Bhaskara-I (629 AD) wrote ‘Mahabhaskareeya’, a book on astro-mathematics. Bhaskara-II (1114 AD) gave ‘Siddhanta Siromani’ where a lot of Mathematics can be found. Details of square, square root, cube, cube root, factorial values, factors of a number are explained. Details of planets, calculation of radius of earth , eclipses, and atmospheric layers ( 7 zones) above earth are discussed clearly.

A lot of other authors like Kalyana Varma, Kalidasa, Venkatesa, Neelakantha, Mantreswara, etc. have published books on Astrology.


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